Exhibition丨PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2023 (11 – 13 September)

  •  2023-08-09

From 11 to 13 September, PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2023 will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada USA.

When you attend PACK EXPO Las Vegas, you have the opportunity to see the latest and greatest advances in packaging and processing technology first hand.

Every two years, PACK EXPO Las Vegas brings together packaging and processing solutions suppliers and end users from 40+ vertical industries. Exhibitors launch products, showcase their latest innovations and problem-solve with customers. Attendees explore thousands of packaging and processing technologies on display and discover game-changing solutions to their packaging and processing challenges. Be there!


Booths: South Upper Hall — SU-8488

Las Vegas Convention Center, 3150 Paradise Rd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109

Exhibit Hours:
Monday and Tuesday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

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